Big Updates are Here!


Although you may have thought we’ve been sleeping behind the wheel with our typical weekly feature roll outs, but guess again! The past week and a half has been a crazy whirlwind of coding and testing. We’re happy to announce some awesome features, with more on the way!

We’ve updated a lot of HTML5/CSS3 to deliver an even better User Interface and more intuitive User Experience. Like the changes? Great! Let us know why and what else you’d like to see.

By popular demand, we have created a place to view all your Accounts. By clicking on the Account Management button or navigation bar link, you’ll be able to see all your accounts, sortable by Site, URL, Login, and Type.

You’ll also be able to manage the browser extension auto-detect ignored sites.

Show Login Credentials

It’s finally here! By clicking on an account on the Accounts Management page, you can now view your password in the dashboard, limited by a 6 second timer

This is also the location where you can delete your account login credentials.

Automatic Account Conversion

Instead of having to manually convert accounts from Organizations to Personal or Personal to Organizations, we decided to automate it for you!

There’s no reason why you should have to make those silly decisions when we can do the heavily lifting for you.

What else???

We also made some under the hood changes. For example, we’ve updated the invitation email and instruction process (specifically for non-CK users), which should help guide them through the process easier and faster.

What’s next? Editable credentials in the dashboard, the ability to add custom credentials, and several extension updates to name a few!

These updates and the ones on our road map’s short list are all prioritized and implemented based on YOUR feedback so keep it coming, we love hearing from our amazing beta users!

As always, thanks for trying out our beta as we continue to solve a big small business problem. Drop us a line anytime!

the CommonKey team